Monday, February 1, 2021

Exercise: Four Games I will Play Again

"Four games I will play again"

This task builds on the process of thinking about games, about what they are, what makes them different from other parts of life, what they add to life, their role in society, socially, in our personal lives and relationships.

Take turns to read out your speech script (as if you were delivering a talk for a podcast or talking to a friend directly). The speech is inspired by the title "Four games I will play again" in which you describe and explain why you will play these four games again:
  1. a card or board game
  2. a video game
  3. a physical sports game
  4. and a business gamification
10' introduction
15' breakout room activity (up to 5' per person)
5' debrief

Lecturer points: Drop in to each breakout room. Ensure turn taking. Encourage peer comments.

What is a gamification?  A gamification is the application of a Game concept to A Business context. Think of examples like a coffee loyalty card scheme, or collecting refunds for recycling, or the in-car fuel consumption dashboard panel in a hybrid-electric car, or air miles rewards.